Organizing is already challenging without the rise of authoritarianism. Trying to figure out how we build power at a time of heightened uncertainty and weaponized chaos can be disheartening and confusing. If you're struggling in your day-to-day work with turning contacts into active members, keeping members engaged, or dealing with tension in your coalition, the Organizing Center has your back. Join us for Office Hours--a space to get 1:1 support with your challenges and connect with other organizers. The years ahead won't be easy, but we're stronger when we face them together.
During a period of uncertainty, and before we have workshop offerings on the calendar, to:
Provide space for organizers to get support for challenges they’re facing in their work related to organizing conversations, leadership development, and coalitions
Give organizers space to connect to, and learn from, other organizers
Include resilience practices in a coaching/ troubleshooting environment
What to Expect
Office hours sessions will occur virtually on zoom from 9:00-10:30am PT / 12:00-1:30pm ET, and will be focused on specific topics:
Tuesdays- February 25, March 25, April 29
Building A Bigger “We”: Organizing Conversations That Grow Our Movements​
Organizing is about listening to people, identifying what they care about, presenting a vision for what is possible, and moving them to action. It is also about bringing in people that don’t agree with us on everything. To build a bigger “we,” we need to identify ways to connect with people across difference and focus on where there is common ground. This workshop offers an outline and tools for having organizing conversations that move people to collective action.
Wednesdays- February 26, March 26, April 30
Making Absorption Real: Structures & Practices That Bring New People Into Our Organizations
​To build power and win, we must not only grow our base of members, but also support them to lead. This workshop teaches the fundamentals of creating leadership development structures & roles that support members to lead in our organizations and stay in our movements for the long-haul.
Thursdays- February 27, March 27
Planning For Disagreement: Building Blocks Of Strong Coalitions
​Coalitions bring together organizations with different self-interests around a shared strategy. Together, these organizations are more powerful and more prone to disagreement. Join this space to navigate questions related to building and maintaining coalitions in times of high tension.
Each session will begin with an opening and some introductions followed by (breakout) conversations to workshop specific challenges.
Office Hours Are Right For You If...
you have a specific challenge or question you want support to address
you are open to learning from and practicing skills beyond your specific challenge