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Reflecting on 2023

We were able to accomplish so much in 2023 and are excited to share our annual report which documents all the programs we ran, our national scope, and what people had to say about our work. One of our training cohort members said:

"This past year in the training cohort strengthened my skills in both facilitation and organizing in ways that directly supported my base-building... The Organizing Center created a container of both care and rigor for our cohort, and they supported and challenged us to lean into our personal growing edges. The OC modeled exactly the type of transformative organizing that they teach about - we were all transformed in the process as we learned, laughed, sang, facilitated, debriefed, and skilled up together. It was such a gift to us, to our organizations, and to our movement community to have this deep and intentional investment in our development. I will carry with me the gems of wisdom I learned from the cohort into all my organizing work going forward."

Read our report for more:

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